storing keypoints

Jérôme Kieffer google at
Thu Jun 27 01:32:13 EDT 2013

Dear pythonistas,

I am wondering what is the best way to store (in python) SIFT keypoints
to exchange them (serialize, save, load-back, ...) SIFT is a keypoint
extraction algorithm for images so it transforms a 2D image into
n-keypoints; each keypoint being composed of 4floats
(x, y, scale, orientation) and 128 uint8.

* I would like to use at best numpy machinery. 
* record array look indicated but the 128xuint8 block is likely to be tedious
* I would like to be able to separate directly the float from uint8.

Maybe nx36 float with 32 float being actually 128uint  and use
recordarrays and views ? 

Any idea?

Jérôme Kieffer <google at>

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