Heap and Eikonal eqn

Chintak Sheth chintaksheth at gmail.com
Wed Jun 19 06:50:11 EDT 2013

Hi guys,

I'm implementing image inpainting for my GSoC project. The proposal is
Image Inpainting for
I am first wanting to implement it using Fast Marching Method (FMM). For
this I need to solve the Eikonal equation and also implement a heap

I checked StackOverflow. ODE can be solved using scipy.integrate.odeint.
Any other approaches?

How should I implement a heap structure in Python? In-built heapq is not
flexible enough. namedtuple seems to be an alternative. Although how should
I add the pointer support for next and prev? I need 2 ints and 1 float for
data. Any thoughts ?

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