Sift on GPU

Jérôme Kieffer google at
Wed Jun 12 16:51:02 EDT 2013

Dear Pythonistas,

We are porting the SIFT keypoints extraction algorithm (available from IPOL)
to GPU using PyOpenCL. For the moment, the keypoint location works and
shows a speed-up of 5 to 10x (without tuning so far, vs C++).

A lot of work is remaining, especially:
* limit the memory footprint (700MB/10Mpix image currently)
* calculate the descriptor for each descriptor
* keypoint matching and image alignment.
* best interleave of IO/CPU/GPU
but we managed to port the most trickiest part to OpenCL (without using
textures, which makes it running also on multi-core).

I would like to thank the people who published their algorithm on IPOL;
making unit testing possible.

Last but not least, the code is open source and should have a BSD
licence (even if there is a patent on the algorithm in the USA).


Jérôme Kieffer <google at>

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