When will 0.8 official be released?

Tony Yu tsyu80 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 14 21:41:06 EST 2013

On Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 8:08 PM, Steven Silvester <steven.silvester at gmail.com
> wrote:

> Johannes,
> RELEASE.txt looks pretty well laid out.  Perhaps you could cut a "release
> candidate", and wait until next month for the final release and the Debian
> version.
> Let me know if I can be of service.  I maintain a PyPi package.
> Regards,
> Steve

Sorry, I meant to respond sooner, but I've been busy. I think it's  a great
idea to get an early start on the release.

In particular, there's some grace period where we should announce a pending
release. Any bug fixes or *small* enhancements that people want to get in
before the release should be added at this time (~week). Then, there should
be another week or so for testing. (I don't think we've done release
branches in the past, but it might be a good idea.)

So, to summarize, Johannes: I think it'd be great if you could get the ball
rolling by setting the timeline. You may want to take a look at my email
preparing for the 0.7

Also, as Steve suggests, RELEASE.txt is pretty thorough. The previous
release was the first release not handled by Stéfan, and I more or less
followed that document for the release. (Well, I probably also sent
numerous emails to Stéfan, too.) So if you're up for it, Johannes, it might
be a good idea to give it a go. (And any improvements you can make to
RELEASE.txt would be great.)

Just a reminder: We may want to revisit the docs version linked on the
this release.

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