Making algorithms at least 3D, preferably nD

Josh Warner silvertrumpet999 at
Sat Apr 27 20:29:51 EDT 2013

I would classify 1 and 3 as 2-D multichannel, with #2 a fuzzy area 
depending on what meaning the other images in the series carry. If they are 
spatially oriented as slices along a third dimension, that would be a 
grayscale 3-D volume. If they're a stack of different filter types of the 
same scene (think satellite photography or the Mars rovers) they would be 
an abstraction of a 2-D multichannel. If it's a movie, that dimension would 
represent time.

When we talk about n-D we are abstracting the number of dimensions to any 
arbitrary integer n. This can be a somewhat difficult concept. As just one 
example: in medical imaging we have 4-D and 5-D images where (x, y, z, t, 
p) could be the dimensionality. In this case generally the first 3 
dimensions are spatial, and the following two are time (t) and type of 
imaging (p, for example CT registered with MR, or just various MR 
sequences). Analyzing the prodigious amount of data from these scans is a 

There are many other examples of higher dimensionality data; perhaps 
someone else can chime in with other examples.

On Saturday, April 27, 2013 1:28:00 AM UTC-5, Ankit Agrawal wrote:
> Hi all,
>      I guess I need some clarification what nD images exactly mean. For 
> 3D, these are the following ways I can think of it --
> 1. RGB image (n x m x 3) : Total m*n pixels
> 2. Series of grey-scale images (m x n x p): Total p images each with m*n 
> pixels
> 3. A grey-scale(m x n x 2) or an RGB image(m x n x 4) with depth value at 
> each pixel like a Pointcloud(
> Can you please elaborate which of the above(or something different) is 
> meant as nD in this discussion?
> @Marianne
> Can you point out to the category that you meant with your images of the 
> dimensions (512, 1536, 21)?
> Regards,
> Ankit Agrawal,
> Communication and Signal Processing,
> IIT Bombay.
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