Cython 0.18 installation + skimage package - error

Emmanuelle Gouillart emmanuelle.gouillart at
Thu Apr 25 02:49:56 EDT 2013

Hello Lakshmi,

git is not a Python package, but a standalone version control software. 

If you're starting using Python, I recommend that you install a
distribution of Scientific Python with all the Python packages that you
need, this will save you some trouble! Canopy Express is a good pick, but
I don't think that skimage is shipped with the free edition. On Windows,
you might want to try instead Anaconda from Continuum, which comes with
the scikit-image and the scikit-learn (AFAIK, SVMs are found in the
scikit-learn). If you install another distribution, you should first
remove the Python-related directories that you had installed, otherwise
there might be conflicts.

Hope this helps,

On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 10:32:36PM -0700, Lakshmi wrote:
>    Hello Members,

>    � � � � � � � � � ��
>    �I am using Python 2.7. (OS - Windows 7, 64 bit). I am newbie to Python.

>    �I would like to use SVM for 2 D image segmentation.

>    I have installed "git hub" (in C:/Users/Viji/Documents/GitHub)
>    I have chosen "Clone in Windows" option in -
>    [1] ,
>    to use skimage package. Am I right by following the above steps?

>    Should I install GitHub in C:/Python27? I have this doubt since I am
>    getting an error as "The specified module
>    could not be found".

>    I have installed numpy and scipy packages in
>    C:/Python27/Lib/site-packages.
>    When I tried to install Cython 0.18, I have got an error as "Unable to
>    find vcvarsall.bat".

>    I have installed Canopy Express (free edition).

>    I do not know why I could not use skimage. Please help me to solve this
>    issue.

>    Regards
>    Lakshmi

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