[OT] open-data movies of science experiments

Stéfan van der Walt stefan at sun.ac.za
Sat Apr 6 14:16:16 EDT 2013

Hi Emmanuelle

On Apr 6, 2013 2:08 PM, "Emmanuelle Gouillart" <
emmanuelle.gouillart at nsup.org> wrote:
>         I'm currently working on a tutorial on image processing with
> skimage aimed at undergraduate physics teachers. To show them how skimage
> can be useful for them and their students, I wish to process images taken
> from a video of a physics experiment (Brownian motion of particles,
> granular segregation / Brazil nut effect, rising of bubbles in a viscous
> fluids etc.). However, I'm having a hard time finding open data with a
> suitable license (such as creative commons).

Have you had a look at MIT's Open Courseware? If they don't have it,
perhaps we can record something for you.

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