scikits-image or scikit-image?

Andreas Mueller amueller at
Tue Oct 2 16:58:50 EDT 2012

> Agreed, and we should probably just get this behind us ASAP.  OK, I now own
> scikit-learn, scikits-image, skimage and scikit-image
> I've reconfigured all our domains to go to, but this may
> take a while to propagate.  Let's hope we don't have too much
> down-time.
Not sure if that is expected but everything is down for me atm.
Just FYI.
> To the rest of the team: are you OK with re-branding to
> ``scikit-image``?  I know it's painful, but I think it's important
> that all the scikits present a unified brand.
+1 from my side.

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