scikits-image or scikit-image?

Mathieu Blondel mathieu at
Mon Oct 1 02:56:20 EDT 2012


I could not help but notice that you guys were using scikits-image as
project name, rather than scikit-image (without the "s" at the end of

In scikit-learn, after a passionate discussion on the mailing-list,
"scikit-learn" as project and "sklearn" as package ("import sklearn")
emerged as the most popular naming convention.

This may not seem like big deal but I think a little consistency would be
beneficial to both scikit-learn and scikit-image (have a look at Andreas'
bio at the end of this blog post ).

So here it is: woud you be willing to transition to scikit-image? (change
the logo, buy the domain name, ...)

Since scikit-learn and scikit-image are the two most popular scikits,
hopefully this would set the example and new scikits would follow the same
naming convention in the future.

For scikit-learn, the transition went rather smoothly and now, most people
correctly call it "scikit-learn" (rather than scikits-learn or

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