Error building docs

Stéfan van der Walt stefan at
Wed May 9 01:03:16 EDT 2012

On May 8, 2012 8:53 PM, "Tony Yu" <tsyu80 at> wrote:
> I'm getting an IOError when rebuilding the docs and I can't figure out
the cause. The error is raised during the build of the api docs and appears
to be in `source/api/skimage.filter.lpi_filter.txt`:
> writing output... [ 22%] api/skimage.filter.lpi_filter

> Exception occurred:
>   File "/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/sphinx/ext/", line
219, in render_dot_html
>     mapfile = open(outfn + '.map', 'rb')
> IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:

Why are inheritance trees generated? I didn't think we enabled those?

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