Segmentation algorithms

Jérôme Kieffer google at
Sat Jun 16 04:33:08 EDT 2012


I have a very simple algorithm for segmenting images, based on gaussian blurring and could be made available in skimage (implies a change of licence but it's not an issue on my side).

This algorithm is probably not new and has probably a name that I don't know. It uses small pieces of Cython for speed and fftw if possible (scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter if not)

Segmenting a 1kx1k image is done in 1s, larger images are usually binned to 1kx1k then unbinned to the original size.

Beside the input image, the code needs a "typical valley size" to isolate groups of peaks form each other.

Jérôme Kieffer <google at>
PS: see Massif in

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