error in skimage.feature.hog

Stéfan van der Walt stefan at
Tue Jul 10 17:38:06 EDT 2012

On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 6:47 AM, Tony Yu <tsyu80 at> wrote:
>> Here is how to reproduce the error:

Damian, I'm also tied up until Thursday, but I'll have a look at it ASAP.

> As for the color/grayscale issue, I've been thinking that it would be good
> to have an `@grayscale` function decorator that checks whether an image is
> rgb/rgba and either raises an error or warns & converts. I haven't gotten
> around to implementing it yet, but it should be fairly simple.

Great idea... The easier we can make it to build robust pipelines, the
better!  The conversion routines have already come a long way, but I
am very much in favour of more such enhancements.


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