ANN: scikits-image v0.5

Stéfan van der Walt stefan at
Mon Feb 27 00:16:40 EST 2012

Announcement: scikits-image 0.5

We're happy to announce the 0.5 release of scikits-image, our image processing
toolbox for SciPy.

For more information, please visit our website

New Features
- Consistent intensity rescaling and improved range conversion.
- Random walker segmentation.
- Harris corner detection.
- Otsu thresholding.
- Block views, window views and montage.
- Plugin for Christoph Golke's "tifffile".
- Peak detection.
- Improved FreeImage wrappers and meta-data reading.
- 8-neighbor and background labelling.

... along with updates to the documentation and website, and a number of bug

Contributors to this release
* Andreas Mueller
* Brian Holt
* Christoph Gohlke
* Emmanuelle Gouillart
* Michael Aye
* Nelle Varoquaux
* Nicolas Pinto
* Nicolas Poilvert
* Pieter Holtzhausen
* Stefan van der Walt
* Tony S Yu
* Warren Weckesser
* Zachary Pincus

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