Object detection

Sigmund siggin at gmail.com
Wed Feb 22 09:37:42 EST 2012

Dear Group,

I'm trying to do object detecting on images as shown on the end of the post.
I tried to adapt the coin example in the gallery but the results are not 
My problem is that both the background (bg) and the objects have large 
variations in there gray value.
By the way, these are tiny little ice spheres (30-100 microns)
A second approach was to do a laplace filter and threshold the result but 
even there, the variability is to big (see below).

Well, before I change the measurement technique (change bg) or start 
working on sorting out which group of segments form a sphere,
I thought, I better ask some adepts in image processing if there is an 
easier way. 

Thanks in advance!


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