canvastools subpackage for scikit-image viewer

Tony Yu tsyu80 at
Fri Dec 14 11:37:17 EST 2012

On Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 11:14 AM, Steven Silvester <
steven.silvester at> wrote:

> Tony,
> I'm going all in on this with you.  I have been hacking at matplotlib
> recently as well, and have demonstrated the following in PySide and PyQt4:
> - right click menu with grid toggle and colormap selection, and simplified
> uimenu creation
> - roi with stats overlay (mean, std, min, max)
> - cross section slice view
> - scroll zoom
> - improved colorbar placement
> I also wrote a tool in enaml that allows you to pick a skimage package and
> function from dropdowns. It then displays the docstring and allows you to
> write the function call inline, and safely evaluates it.
> Thus far, it has all been proof of concept and for use at work, but I'd
> like to start integrating these features into your viewer.
> I will start a repo on my github to demonstrate the features prior to
> integration.
> Thoughts?
> --

Hey Steven,

That sounds fantastic!

I've tried to make a pretty solid API for the viewer, but since I'm the
only one playing with this code (as far as I know), it's tough to know
whether any of the infrastructure makes sense. It'd be great to have
someone else around to kick the tires and tell me what I did wrong.

As far as your suggestions, they all sound great. The "cross section slice
view", however, sounds similar to the lineprofile
Guillaume Gay wrote, so you may want to check that out first. I've
been wanting to add some sort of menu interface to access the plugins, so
it'd be great if you already have something. Also, I think the ROI stats
viewer would be a pretty good example of the RectangleTool added in this PR.

I'm looking forward to seeing some more PRs from you :)

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