Pull request: fix tv denoise

Maël Primet mael.primet at gmail.com
Thu Jun 23 11:02:14 EDT 2011

Hum.. then I guess we should rather change the other functions to im,
weight, eps, no?

it makes more sense to be able to call denoise(image, weight) directly

On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 16:58, Tony Yu <tsyu80 at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 10:47 AM, Maël Primet <mael.primet at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Why would you do that? People will usually change the weight, not eps, so
>> it is more natural to set weight as the second argument?
> The point of the patch isn't to set the order of arguments based on
> preference, but instead, based on consistency. The other functions
> (`tv_denoise` and `_tv_denoise_3d`) have `eps` followed by `weight`. Most
> importantly, the arguments passed to `_tv_denoise_2d` are in this order, so
> that  setting the keyword arg `eps` in `tv_denoise` actually adjusts the
> `weight` argument of `_tv_denoise_2d` (and vice-versa). (See line 268 in
> https://github.com/stefanv/scikits.image/blob/master/scikits/image/filter/tv_denoise.py
> )
> -Tony
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