Greyscale reconstruction and merging CellProfiler code

Tony Yu tsyu80 at
Tue Aug 9 09:50:04 EDT 2011

2011/8/8 Stéfan van der Walt <stefan at>

> Here we go (I had the projects mixed up):
> There's also a tools directory that show how they are converted.  It's
> a quick hack, but it does the job!

In case anyone else is following this discussion, here's a specific example.

This python file:

is rendered like this:

And here's the script that does most of the work generating rst from py

Should we adopt something like that for now?

I really like this approach. As I mentioned earlier, being able to run the
example code directly (instead of having to build the docs to run the code)
is a huge plus for me. One thing I like about ipython_directive: they define
a "savefig" decorator which saved the current figure and generated rst to
add the image. I presume a similar function can be defined for this approach
(but I'm not sure I'd miss this feature enough to write the code myself).


P.S. Stéfan: were you able to build the tutorial on my "reconstruction"
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