color spaces

Ralf Gommers ralf.gommers at
Wed Oct 21 13:27:53 EDT 2009

Hi all,

I'm working on the color spaces, and would like some feedback. Doing color
space conversions is very simple, but finding the right references and
making sure things are correct is a real pain. So I'm wondering what spaces
are useful and unambiguously defined.

So far I have
- RGB : sRGB with D65 whitepoint, the "central" color space in the API.
- HSV : unambiguous
- XYZ : unambiguous
- CIE RGB : unambiguous
- RGB NTSC : from Travis' code, not sure what it is. Not equal to YIQ, which
is the color space used for NTSC. Will delete again unless I figure it out.

Some code, seems clearly defined

Some code, but not sure about
- RGBP : gamma corrected sRGB. I am usually interested in intensities /
photon counts, so I have a natural aversion to this one. Anyone care?
- YIQ : see RGB NTSC above
- RGB SB : Stiles and Burch (1955) 2-degree RGB color space. seems obsolete.
- UVW : seems obsolete
- YUV / YCbCr / YCC / YPbPr / 8-bit YCbCr : these are all similar and often
confused. A mess.

No code yet, but commonly used

The code I have so far lives here:

I'm afraid adding color spaces that are not clearly defined does more harm
than good, so please let me know which color spaces are useful for you.

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