OpenCV Calibration Wrapping - Some questions

Stéfan van der Walt stefan at
Sat Oct 17 12:48:30 EDT 2009

2009/10/15 SirVer <sirver at>:
> to have as many tools for image processing available to me as
> possible. This would
> even contain image acquisition (Actually, I have a quite healthy
> ctypes wrapper
> around libdc1394 2.0 which you can find on launchpad. This + ctypes
> can do fun
> stuff: and GUI
> Stuff.

Having some image acquisition in the scikit would be handy.  I see
OpenCV also wraps libdc, so what is the best route to access the

I really like the video, btw!

> So we could add support for a set of GUI functions that are just not
> available
> when pyqt (or in a very near future pyside) is not available. Good for
> me,
> that's the python way to do things anyway.

Yes, especially with the image acquisition suggested above, this would
be good to have.


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