plots in docs

Ralf Gommers ralf.gommers at
Tue Oct 13 18:46:44 EDT 2009

2009/10/13 Stéfan van der Walt <stefan at>

> You can simply create a new docs branch, e.g. if you already have a
> clone of my master do:
> git checkout -b docs
> Then fix the docs up there and push back to github (git push origin
> docs), from where I'll grab your changes.
> I just pushed my docs branch. It adds support for the .. plot:: directive,
fixes the links on top of all pages, and some minor issues. Both inline
plots and plots from script files work. For an example of the latter see the
MultiImage docstring.

Below I copy-pasted from the commit message, a few things to keep in mind:
    - for including scripts from docstrings, use prefix  "../plots/",
      for including scripts in a rst file, use "plots/".
      This is due to the docs being generated from the source/api folder.
    - inline plots are not (yet) aware of variables being defined earlier
      in the Examples section.
    - we now use the numpydoc sphinx extensions, the original MPL ones can
      be used because they have no support for the make file and not
      being in the same folder.

There is one minor thing that does not work yet. The source code link for
plots does not work because for some reason the script files are not copied
to the build dir. I'll try to fix this tomorrow, and will then also add a
more thorough description of how to use the plot directive to the docs.

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