[sapug] Looking for python/django meetups in Adelaide

Kim Hawtin kim at hawtin.net.au
Thu Jan 1 14:40:26 CET 2015

Hi Philip,

On 01/01/15 20:18, Philip wrote:
> I'm a python/django developer and was
> wondering whether there were any Python
> meetings anywhere in Adelaide?
> This mailing list seems a little
> desolate but I can't find anywhere else
> to try!
> Here's hoping for a reply (and maybe if
> anyone was interested we could start
> one up)

While there hasn't been a python meet for a while, there is a monthly 
meeting for Adelaide Tech Meet, that evolved from the the python meet, 
drupal meetup, Rustys programming meet and perl mongers.

We have been running monthly meetings for a few years on a pretty 
diverse set of topics. We are changing venues this year, last year we 
were meeting at HackerSpace. So more on that when we finalize details =)

In the mean time, a bunch of us will be escaping for a week in Auckland 
for Linux.Conf.Au. The first meet back is likely to be run down of our 
favourites talks =) Also comparing how many talks were in python this 
year vs last ( I suspect more ;)



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