[sapug] heat map overlays...

Kim Hawtin kim.hawtin at adelaide.edu.au
Thu May 1 05:04:27 CEST 2008


I went looking for heat map tools a while back, didn't really find anything
that really worked for me. Found this and will have a tinker;


Google Maps gives you API for adding additional map layers. This software
implements a map tile server for a heatmap layer.

    * Python 2.5 (needs sqlite)
    * Pygame or PIL
    * Aspen 0.8 (Python webserver)

What I want to do is have a client that store sql locally, for wifi and gps
info for my essid when I travel around. Store that offline and batch process
is so that I can use it a bit like a coverage map.


Operating Systems, Services and Operations
Information Technology Services, The University of Adelaide
kim.hawtin at adelaide.edu.au

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