[sapug] Fwd: Two days to complete FOSS census

Janet Hawtin lucychili at gmail.com
Wed Nov 28 01:39:27 CET 2007

Hi folks
Not sure if this has already flown by your inbox.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Pia Waugh <pia at waughpartners.com.au>

Hi all,

Please note you have 2 days remaining to complete the Open Source Industry
and Community Census 2007. This is a project we've embarked upon to help
raise the profile of both our industry as a whole and individual companies
doing Open Source solutions and services through an Open Source business
directory. The report itself will be freely available and distributed widely
to Government, the market, and of course all the participants.

Please visit the website for details. Fill out the Industry survey for your
company, and the community census for you or anyone you know who contributes
to Open Source projects or communities.


Many thanks all!


Waugh Partners

  m. +61 400 966 453
  p. +61 2 9318 0284
  f. +61 2 9318 2884
  w. http://waughpartners.com.au/

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