[sapug] New to Adelaide and Python ...

Robert Nansel bnansel at bigpond.net.au
Thu May 10 05:20:48 CEST 2007

... though I am a grizzled embedded systems developer, so I'm not a  
novice programmer (just a bit antiquated).

I migrated from the USA with my family to Adelaide September last,  
and I'm looking for other folks who are interested in embedded  
systems and mechatronics.  I'm a Robotics Engineer (or so it says on  
my Bachelor's diploma), and I'm exploring what I can do with Python  
in that area.

I'm learning Python 2.5, under OSX for the time being, and I'd  
appreciate any tips on good tutorials, cookbooks, example code to  
look at, online or in books.  I have ORA's Learning Python by Lutz &  
Ascher, but it's the old first edition, so it only covers up to  
Python 1.5.

Anyway, I eventually I hope to apply Python to the more resource- 
constrained environments typical of embedded systems (single-chip  
microcontrollers, limited RAM, no hard disk, etc.).  Does anyone on  
this list do such work?


-Bobby Nansel

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