[sapug] The ol' spidey senses are tingling

Ryan Verner ryan at uanywhere.com.au
Mon Aug 7 14:07:11 CEST 2006

Daryl Tester wrote:
> Daryl Tester wrote:
> >Ryan Verner wrote:
> >
> >>>Next Thursday is out for me, but Tuesday is OK.  I'll
> >
> >>Ah, next Tuesday is out for me, but anytime after that should be OK.
> >
> >The following Tuesday is the LinuxSA meeting - would that
> >clash with anyone's schedule?
> So that's a no then?  15th August is the final offer?  Going once?

I'll probably be going to that personally, but don't arrange the meeting
around me - whatever suits anybody.  I'd probably go for that Thursday
or the Tuesday after?


> -- 
> Regards,
>  Daryl Tester, IOCANE Pty. Ltd.

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