[sapug] The ol' spidey senses are tingling

Daryl Tester Daryl.Tester at iocane.com.au
Wed Aug 2 23:37:40 CEST 2006

Chris Foote wrote:

>> Who's up for a chin-wag and chow?  And when?

> Sounds good.  Tue & Thu best for me.
> Since you started this thread, you'll have to pick
> a date & place :-)

(Late for work, brief non-spell chechked reply)

Next Thursday is out for me, but Tuesday is OK.  I'll
default to SA-AUUG mode and say "Marcellina's, 7pm"
(sorry for the lack of thought).  I could give a very
lightning presentation (aka no preperation, just working
code and hastily cobbled^W^Wproduction quality notes) on
the Quilter work I've been working on, which is a
qmail-milter mechanism with Python backend.

  Daryl Tester, IOCANE Pty. Ltd.

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