[PyVault-devel] New Repository Release

Jeff Pitman symbiont at berlios.de
Fri Jul 22 09:49:43 CEST 2005


I've noticed that there are random pockets of users across the internet, 
but, no one in particular is active on the user list.  I will be 
marketing the repo a little better to get more exposure.  In the 
meantime, I need to make an announcement to the few who are subscribed 
to this list about changes implemented.

The following changes have been made:

1. Dropped Redhat 7.3 and 9, Fedora Core 1 and Fedora Core 2, SuSE.
2. Support Centos/RHEL 3 and 4, Fedora Core 3 and Fedora Core 4.
3. Dropped apt metadata generation.
4. No old yum metadata generation; only xml metadata.
	* This means that only smart and yum are supported.
5. Temporarily not using stable/development/testing stability classes.
6. Disttags have aligned with Fedora Extras.
7. Massive modifications to the build and publishing infrastructure.

There's more work to be done going forward.  Most of it is behind the 
scenes stuff. Visible things you'll see:

1. Cleanup of repoview templates to conform to pydotorg standard.
2. Smart instructions.
3. Cleanup of rss generation so it looks nice in things like akregator.
4. Packages, packages, and packages.


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