[Pythonmac-SIG] [Pyobjc-dev] py2app release delayed

Barry Scott barry at barrys-emacs.org
Tue Jan 3 15:14:17 EST 2017


I have been testing against your hg repo for py2app d3f3d531abc1324b71b3b8c289877b28bed1d7c0.

I have removed my PyQt5 and the pkg_resources hack for putz and tzlocal and every thing looks to be working well.

This is looking very good.

However I did notice some problems in the summary at the end.

In the following list are the a number of false positives.

PyQt5.uic.port_v2 is a conditional import and only syntaxically valid on python2.

    if sys.hexversion >= 0x03000000:
        from .port_v3.string_io import StringIO
        from .port_v2.string_io import StringIO

susbproces.py: condictionally import _winapi
Line 360:
_mswindows = (sys.platform == "win32")

Line 426:
if _mswindows:
    import threading
    import msvcrt
    import _winapi

And the os module conditionally inports nt.

What I did with my PythonWinAppPackager https://github.com/barry-scott/PythonWinAppPackager
is have a list of false positives and I eliminate them from the summary.

The errors shown for six look odd as well but I have not investigated deeply.

The mimetypes import of winreg is a convoluted conditional as well, listing as
a false positive works for this one as well.

Barry Scott

Modules not found (unconditional imports):
 * StringIO (PyQt5.uic.port_v2.string_io)
 * StringIO.StringIO (pkg_resources._vendor.six)
 * __main__.__requires__ (bdb, pdb)
 * _frozen_importlib_external (importlib, importlib.abc) [module alias]
 * _winapi.INFINITE (subprocess)
 * _winapi.WAIT_ABANDONED_0 (subprocess)
 * _winapi.WAIT_OBJECT_0 (subprocess)
 * _winapi.WAIT_TIMEOUT (subprocess)
 * cStringIO (PyQt5.uic.port_v2.string_io)
 * copy_reg (PyQt5.uic.port_v2.string_io)
 * java (xml.sax._exceptions)
 * java.System (java.lang)
 * java.lang.Exception (platform)
 * nt._getfinalpathname (os)
 * nt._getfullpathname (os)
 * nt._getvolumepathname (os)
 * nt._isdir (os)
 * org (copy, org.python.core)
 * org.PyStringMap (org.python)
 * org.python (copy, pickle, xml.sax)
 * org.python.core (pickle)
 * org.python.core.PyStringMap (copy, xml.sax)
 * org.python.core.imp (copy, pickle)
 * pkg_resources._vendor.appdirs (pkg_resources)
 * pkg_resources.extern.pyparsing (pkg_resources._vendor.packaging.markers, pkg_resources._vendor.packaging.requirements) [module alias]
 * pkg_resources.extern.six (pkg_resources.extern.six.moves.urllib) [module alias]
 * pkg_resources.extern.six.moves (pkg_resources, pkg_resources._vendor.packaging.requirements, pkg_resources.extern.six.moves) [module alias]
 * pkg_resources.extern.six.moves.urllib (pkg_resources._vendor.packaging.requirements, pkg_resources.extern.six.moves.urllib) [module alias]
 * pkg_resources.extern.six.moves.urllib.parse (pkg_resources, pkg_resources.extern.six.moves) [module alias]
 * sys.getwindowsversion (re)
 * winreg.CloseKey (mimetypes)
 * winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (mimetypes)
 * winreg.OpenKeyEx (mimetypes)
 * winreg.QueryValueEx (mimetypes)

Modules not found (conditional imports):
 * StringIO (pkg_resources._vendor.six)
 * __builtin__ (pkg_resources._vendor.pyparsing)
 * _frozen_importlib_external (importlib, importlib.abc) [module alias]
 * java (platform)
 * java.lang (platform, xml.sax._exceptions)
 * org.python.core (xml.sax)

Modules with syntax errors:
 * PyQt5.uic.port_v2.invoke
 * PyQt5.uic.port_v2.load_plugin

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