[Pythonmac-SIG] PyObjC and macOS 10.12 (Sierra)

Glyph Lefkowitz glyph at twistedmatrix.com
Thu Oct 6 15:26:29 EDT 2016

> On Oct 6, 2016, at 2:56 AM, Andrew Jaffe <a.h.jaffe at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 17/09/2016 18:59, Glyph Lefkowitz wrote:
>>> On Sep 17, 2016, at 9:27 AM, Ned Deily <nad at python.org> wrote:
>>> On 2016-09-13 19:33, Glyph Lefkowitz wrote:
>>>>> On Sep 13, 2016, at 3:35 PM, Andrew Jaffe <a.h.jaffe at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:a.h.jaffe at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>> Aha!
>>>>> $ ls -lt /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/
>>>>> total 0
>>>>> -rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  157 31 Jul 02:36 Extras.pth*
>>>>> -rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  119 31 Jul 02:36 README
>>>>> $ more /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/Extras.pth
>>>>> /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python
>>>>> /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/PyObjC
>>>>> Now I wonder how those got there?!
>>>> Hah!  Thanks for sharing.  Very satisfying to actually make a *correct*
>>>> prediction about setuptools' behavior :)
>>> This seems to be Apple's doing.  AFAICT, 10.12 is shipping with this
>>> Extras.pth file in /Library/Python/2.7; it's something new.  And,
>>> unfortunately, due to https://bugs.python.org/issue4865, the
>>> site-packages directory for the system Python 2.7 is included in
>>> sys.path along with the non-system framework Python site-packages.
> >
> So, a little more data:
> If you rename or remove /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/Extras.pth then pip2 works.

What do you mean by "works"?  Your original error is pip refusing to upgrade pyObjC because to upgrade pyObjC it has to delete the old version, and pyObjC is part of the operating system, and it can't delete the installed version.  This is correct; the error reporting could be nicer, but pip is not broken.  Don't mess with files in /System.

The suggestion to use virtualenv isn't really optional.  If you really, really want things to be importable by a bare 'python', not inside a venv, `pip install --user` is another option you might have.

> *However*, lots of other stuff breaks -- anything that uses Apple's python and relies on access to pyobjc and the frameworks (e.g., TextMate's latex package).

Yep, that's expected behavior.  This is exactly why Apple is making it increasingly difficult to screw up /System.  Apps can, should, and do rely upon the libraries installed on the system.

> What I don't understand is: what changed from Yosemite? This file did not exist before Sierra, but there were no problems with (Apple) python accessing these packages.

Do you mean from El Capitan?

This file previously existed in a different location, and (while the particulars stubbornly refuse to stick to memory for me, for some reason) this new location is the one generally preferred by the python packaging maintainers.

> (Or is there something unique in my setup that is causing this? I kind of doubt it, but it's possible...)
> Does anyone have any insight?

If you really, really, really want to do this in such a way that /System stuff is only present for /System's python and not for python.org's, you can take advantage of the 'import' hack <https://docs.python.org/2/library/site.html>, and rewrite /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/Extras.pth to _conditionally_ add those entries to sys.path, checking sys.executable or some other fingerprint.

But: don't.  Given that system python and python.org python share /Library and ~/Library, they're not really distinct environments, and things installed into one will show up in the other, so excluding the /System directories on one but not the other will just cause other, more confusing issues.

In conclusion: just use virtualenv.  This is not a problem that should be fixed.

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