[Pythonmac-SIG] shrink app bundle size (removing unused stuff)?

Ronald Oussoren ronaldoussoren at mac.com
Fri Mar 9 16:22:07 CET 2012

On 8 Mar, 2012, at 22:51, Chris Barker wrote:

>> The only editra I could find was <http://editra.org/> which is an editor, I don't know why that gets copied into your application. How did you install Editra, did you use the binary DMG on the website, or did you install from source?
> Editra is shipped with wxPython -- so it may have snuck in that way.
> But I agree with Kevin, while the more we can clean this up with
> py2app, it's an imperfect system -- I"ve generally ended with some
> custom code to clean things out a bit after a build -- I write mine in
> Python, and put it at the end of the setup.py, but the idea is the
> same.

Py2app will never be able to do everything, but I'd prefer to get closer than we're currently. Are there things you have to do every time that could (easily) be expressed as configuration for py2app?  It seems that python is slowly moving towards a more declarative way of specifying builds using a setup.cfg file instead of setup.py though the distutils2/packaging project and py2app should do the same when that happens (without dropping support for setup.py files of course).


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