[Pythonmac-SIG] TZ and Plone.

Tuladhar-douglas, Dr William B. w.t.douglas at abdn.ac.uk
Mon Jun 13 08:04:30 CEST 2011


I've lurked here picking up tips for some years and now need to seek the collective wisdom of the list (which may well be, ‘go ask somewhere else’, but that would also be okay.)

Most conversations on this list are about PyObjC and Py2App, but I've run up against a genuinely obscure bug in Plone that appears to derive from underlying Python behaviour on Unix machines, and wouldn't mind some pointers on how to fix it at least for OSX.

I'm trying to install Plone 4.05 on my Mac (OSX 10.6.7), using the universal installer which uses buildout. (It works fine on the London server that holds the public Plone site...) After much frustration I finally found another person with the same obscure problem, also in Kathmandu. See here:http://bibekpaudel.wordpress.com/2009/11/26/solved-plone-installation-strange-error/ , here: http://www.khattam.info/solved-module-datetime-datetime-line-1145-in-tozone-2010-08-19.html , and here: http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9857 for the bug report. Apparently the fix has been deferred repeatedly.

Essentially, because I'm in Kathmandu, Nepal right now (and will be for the next few years on a research project), timezone support doesn't work right so eventually, Plone becomes confused when it tries to make a new site. The root of the problem seems to be way back down at the Unix-level implementation of timezone support. Nepal is often a difficult case as its TZ is set at GMT+4:45 or GMT+5:45 depending on the time of year.

So if I wanted to pursue a fix for this one, how might I begin?

- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------
Will Tuladhar-Douglas
Anthropology of Environment and Religions

The University of Aberdeen is a charity registered in Scotland, No SC013683.

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