[Pythonmac-SIG] Accessing the iTunes database directly?

has hengist.podd at virgin.net
Wed Dec 15 02:02:46 CET 2010

[Pythonmac-SIG] Accessing the iTunes database directly?
David Stokes wrote:

> Can the iTunes library database be accessed directly via Python?

No. Your only options are the Apple event interface and the read-only
XML file in your iTunes library.

> What I want to do are some fairly basic manipulations of the data but using the scripting API (from both appscript and AppleScript) was ridiculously slow; operations that took seconds in comparable manipulations of a SQLite database of a similar size took multiple hours.

Did you read the 'About application scripting' and 'Performance
issues' chapters in the appscript manual? Remember, Apple events = RPC
+ queries, not OOP. Remotely iterating over large data sets will
absolutely kill your script performance-wise. While certain tasks can
only be done via iteration and lots of small simple commands, e.g.
setting the name of every track in a 50,000-track library, plenty of
others can be reduced to just one or two commands by using more
sophisticated queries, e.g.:

   tracks_ref = iTunes.tracks
   info = zip(tracks_ref.name.get(), tracks_ref.album.get()) # 2 commands


   info = [(track.name.get(), track.album.get() for track in
iTunes.tracks.get()] # 2*N+1 commands

If you're already familiar with how relational DB queries operate,
it's not so different (as that is where the original AppleScript
engineers nicked half their ideas from).


Learn AppleScript, 3rd edition, Sanderson & Rosenthal:
Control AppleScriptable applications from Python, Ruby and ObjC:

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