[Pythonmac-SIG] Modifying table cell content with python-appscript

has hengist.podd at virgin.net
Mon Nov 24 22:13:16 CET 2008

On 24 Nov 2008, at 09:15, Sven A. Schmidt wrote:

>>> Here's what I get:
>>> [eris:sas/Hourglass-trunk/Tests] sas% python2.5 hg_test.py
>>> ('<string>', u'unnamed customer', False)
>> Any idea where the 'unnamed customer' is coming from? Is the  
>> appscript 'set' command setting the text field's value? Can you  
>> post both your working AppleScript and non-working Python script  
>> for comparison? Also, if you can run your application with AEDebug  
>> enabled:
> The 'unnamed customer' is the original field value, sorry for not  
> mentioning that. It never changes. I don't have an AppleScript, I'm  
> just doing this with appscript.

Ah, right. I misunderstood - I thought you had it working in  
AppleScript but not appscript. Quick question: is the table field in  
question editable? (i.e. Can you click in it and type text manually?)


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