[Pythonmac-SIG] Python-Cocoa with XCode 3 - external modules

Orestis Markou orestis at orestis.gr
Tue May 27 23:01:55 CEST 2008

Hey Steve,

> I hope this is the right place to ask such a question:

you might be better off posting that question to pyobjc-devel (http://pyobjc.sourceforge.net 

> I'm building a Python-Cocoa app in XCode 3, and it all works  
> wonderfully except that I use the appscript module... And XCode  
> doesn't include the module in the build.
> so, 2 things:
> - I was wondering if there is a way to make it do so

XCode by default will use the system supplied python. I think if you  
want to use external modules you have to include them directly in your  
project. Pyobjc-devel users will know more.

> - If not, I have been advised to use py2app, but again this seems  
> not to work with the examples given on the site (crucially, it  
> reports unable to load nib file: MainMenu (maybe because this is a  
> xib file?)

That is correct. Xib files have to be compiled to nib files. XCode  
does that for you, and you can use ibtool from the Terminal to compile  
it yourself. There is an outstanding issue about py2app about this, it  
should really invoke it for you.

Hope that helped,

Orestis Markou
orestis at orestis.gr

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