[Pythonmac-SIG] bdist_mpkg Python version prefix

Christopher Burns cburns at berkeley.edu
Fri Jul 25 21:33:41 CEST 2008

When distributing Mac binaries of numpy, we've run into some confusion from
users on the Python dependency.  bdist_mpkg reports the MacPython (
python.org) dependency as the "System Python".  This terminology is
confusing as users see the "Apple Python" in the /System folder and believe
they meet the required version.  Could this be changed to something more

Updating the entry in the FRIENDLY_PREFIX is all that is needed.

cburns at bdist_mpkg 12:31:38 $ grin -A 8 "FRIENDLY_PREFIX"
   71 +     os.path.expanduser(u'~/Library/Frameworks') : u'User',
   72 +     u'/System/Library/Frameworks' : u'Apple',
   73 +     u'/Library/Frameworks' : u'python.org Framework Build',
   74 +     u'/opt/local' : u'DarwinPorts',
   75 +     u'/usr/local' : u'Unix',
   76 +     u'/sw' : u'Fink',
   77 + }

On the numpy-list, Christopher Barker had proposed changing it to this:

    u'/Library/Frameworks' : u'python.org Framework Build',


Christopher Burns
Computational Infrastructure for Research Labs
10 Giannini Hall, UC Berkeley
phone: 510.643.4014
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