[Pythonmac-SIG] creating PyObjC wrapper for ObjC framework?

has hengist.podd at virgin.net
Wed Jan 9 18:49:49 CET 2008

Hi all,

I'm trying to create a PyObjC wrapper for objc-appscript, and I'm  
wondering how to wrap methods that have NSError** arguments, e.g.:

@interface AEMEvent : NSObject {

  * Send event.

  * Parameters
  * sendMode
  *    kAEWaitReply
  * timeoutInTicks
  *    kAEDefaultTimeout
  * error
  *    On return, an NSError object that describes an Apple Event  
Manager or application
  *    error if one has occurred, otherwise nil. Pass nil if not  
  * Return value
  *    The value returned by the application, or an NSNull instance if  
no value was returned,
  *    or nil if an error occurred.
  * Notes
  *    A single event can be sent more than once if desired.

- (id)sendWithMode:(AESendMode)sendMode timeout:(long)timeoutInTicks  
error:(NSError **)error;


The logical thing would be to convert a returned NSError into a Python  
exception, but BridgeSupport's gen_bridge_metadata tool doesn't seem  
to provide any help here, simply flagging the argument as 'opaque'.  
Any advice on how to proceed (with or without using BS)?



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