[Pythonmac-SIG] python program in menu bar

Dan Christensen jdc at uwo.ca
Sun Sep 30 04:28:50 CEST 2007

"Dethe Elza" <delza at livingcode.org> writes:

> On 9/26/07, Dan Christensen <jdc at uwo.ca> wrote:
>> Can anyone point to a simple example of a python program that runs in
>> the menu bar?  I'd like a program that just displays a few characters of
>> text in the menu bar, and updates the display once a minute or so.
> I posted a very simple example of getting an NSStatusItem using PyObjC
> on this list awhile back:
> http://mail.python.org/pipermail/pythonmac-sig/2005-April/013731.html

Thanks so much for that.  It was quite easy to adapt it to my needs,
even though I don't understand the Cocoa side of the code.  A few

1) I noticed that my code runs fine directly from the shell prompt, so
I'm curious what the advantage of making a real .app is.  I guess this
would allow me to add the program as a "Startup Item".  (Or can one 
run any command as a Startup Item?)

2) It is easy to change the colour of the title text that appears
in the menu bar?

3) Is it easy to generate a beep of some sort?

I plan to look over some of the PyObjC documentation and examples, and I
apologize if some of this is answered there.  Thanks again for pointing
out your code to me, as it is almost exactly what I was looking for!


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