[Pythonmac-SIG] NSKeyedArchiver and NSMutableArray

Jim Matthews matthews at fetchsoftworks.com
Tue Jul 17 21:27:22 CEST 2007

I'm trying to learn PyObjC by translating the examples in Aaron 
Hillegass's "Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X" to Python.  I've run 
into a problem with the archiving feature described in chapter 8.  I 
have an NSMutableArray of Person objects, where Person is a subclass 
of NSObject.  I can turn the array into an NSData object with 
NSKeyedArchiver.archvedDataWithRootObject_(), but when I call 
NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObjectWithData_() I get back an empty 

Any suggestions?

Here's simplified code that demonstrates the problem:

from Foundation import *

class Person(NSObject):
	def init(self):
		self = super(Person, self).init()
		if self is None: return self
		self.setPersonName_(u"New Person")
		return self

	def initWithCoder_(self, inCoder):
		self = super(Person, self).init()
		if self is None: return self
		print 'Person.initWithCoder_ personName =', self.personName()

	def encodeWithCoder_(self, inCoder):
		print 'Person.encodeWithCoder_ personName =', self.personName()
		inCoder.encodeObject_forKey_(self.personName(), 'personName')

	def description(self):
		return super(Person, self).description() + '(' + 
self.personName() + ')'

	def personName(self):
		return self._personName

	def setPersonName_(self, inPersonName):
		self._personName = inPersonName

ma = NSMutableArray.alloc().init()
p1 = Person.alloc().init()
p1.setPersonName_('John Doe')
ma.insertObject_atIndex_(p1, 0)
print 'ma =', ma.description()

madata = NSKeyedArchiver.archivedDataWithRootObject_(ma)

decodedma = NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObjectWithData_(madata)
print 'decodedma =', decodedma.description()


Expected output:

ma = (<Person: 0x62e810>(John Doe))
Person.encodeWithCoder_ personName = John Doe
Person.initWithCoder_ personName = John Doe
decodedma = (<Person: 0x62e810>(John Doe))


ma = (<Person: 0x62e810>(John Doe))
Person.encodeWithCoder_ personName = John Doe
Person.initWithCoder_ personName = John Doe
decodedma = ()

Thanks for any suggestions,
Jim Matthews
Fetch Softworks

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