[Pythonmac-SIG] [Numpy-discussion] Packaging numpy with py2app

Josh Marshall josh.p.marshall at gmail.com
Tue Jul 18 23:36:06 CEST 2006

On 18/07/2006, at 3:15 PM, Bob Ippolito wrote:
>> def check(cmd, mf):
>>     m = mf.findNode('matplotlib')
>>     if m is None or m.filename is None:
>>         return None
>>     mf.import_hook('pytz.zoneinfo', m, ['UTC'])
>>     return dict(
>>         packages = ['matplotlib']
>>     )
>> If anyone needs to actual work with the plotting of time-zone  
>> relative dates in matplotlib in embedded Cocoa, it'll die.  
>> However, the likelihood of this occurring is low, but for future  
>> reference for the Googlers of the future; add the time-zones you  
>> need to the list in import_hook, ie ['UTC', 'Australia.Sydney'].
> If you were actually doing that, you should write the imports  
> yourself. The right place to put that metadata is in your code with  
> import statements, because that's cross-platform and cross- 
> packager. py2exe and cx_Freeze will understand import statements too.

Agreed. I searched through matplotlib and pytz, and found that you  
can add a straightforward import of pytz.zoneinfo.UTC rather than  
going through a loader function. I will submit as a patch to the  
matplotlib developers. I suggest leaving the line in the recipe for a  
while at least.

> You can't do that so long as scipy is wholly included with the  
> packages option. The packages option does "cp -r" effectively, I'm  
> not going to complicate it for this use case. I might accept a  
> patch if it wasn't too horrible, but the effort is better spent  
> making scipy work in a zip archive.

Agreed, although with the latest version of py2app working out of the  
box with the recipes, I'll probably let it slide.

I spent a bit more time looking at matplotlib, and realised I just  
need to include the data files (fonts, rc, icons) directory in the  
Resources dir in the app. When I did this manually, it worked fine,  
since there is code to detect frozen status in the initialisation,  
and it searches the Resources dir.

However, I can't figure out how to copy resources in the recipe. It  
seems in recipes, you can return in the dict: packages, flatpackages,  
filters, loader_files, and prescripts. Could you enlighten me on the  
use of each of these?


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