[Pythonmac-SIG] Build script for Universal Python

Ronald Oussoren ronaldoussoren at mac.com
Sun Feb 12 22:19:24 CET 2006


The attached patch replaces the script in Mac/OSX/Dist by a python  
script that builds a "batteries included" universal binary. The  
attached background.jpg should be placed in Mac/OSX/Dist/resources  
(and hopefully someone donates a nicer image).

Due to lack of time I haven't tested the installer and contained  
binaries yet.

Things that should be fixed:
1. 'make frameworkinstall' will no longer install files in /usr/local/ 
2. the postflight script should be rewritten, it creates a  
shellscript version of pythonw
3. the package is a ".pkg" instead of an ".mpkg". This should make it  
possible to create an installer that is truely "batteries included"  
in the future.
4. the package doesn't update user profiles (should be an  
optional .pkg in the .mpkg).
5. there's still 'python' and 'pythonw' that behave differently,  
python should be replaced by pythonw and pythonw should be a symlink  
to python for backward compatibility.
6. A patch for distutils that allows compiling on 10.3.9
7. A patch for distutils that recognizes '-arch' and '-isysroot' in  
extra_compile_args and extra_link_args and removes those flags from  
8. The Python documentation is no longer installed as a help book.

What definitely should be tested:
1. Run 'regrtest -uall' on 10.3.9(PPC), 10.4.4(PPC) and 10.4.4(Intel)
2. Try to use existing 10.3 packages with this build, especially C++  


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