[Pythonmac-SIG] xcode as IDE?

Ronald Oussoren ronaldoussoren at mac.com
Sun Feb 12 09:20:49 CET 2006

On 12-feb-2006, at 4:39, I. Vinogradov wrote:

> Hello All,
> while on the topic of IDEs, would it be possible to somehow adapt  
> Xcode
> to the task? It has Python keyword highlight, and PyObjC is one of the
> possible types of documents.

Xcode isn't a very useful python environment right now. It is basicly  
a complicated text editor with syntax coloring support. I'd very much  
to see good Python support in Xcode to make it easier to use Xcode's  
for Python scripts, but that is not going to happen without support from

I have filed a feature request at Apple to implement Python support  
in Xcode
or at least open up the Xcode APIs to make it possible to do this  
Please file another feature request (at bugreport.apple.com), more  
for a feature seems to give the request more weight at Apple.

BTW. PyObjC is one of the possible types of  projects because  
PyObjC's installer
includes a number of project and file templates.

> I have some vague notion that perhaps a pure python file template can
> be made, that uses framework installation and all. Is something like
> that even possible?

That is easy, but see above (and Bob's mail) for reasons why this is not
very useful.


> Regards, Ivan.
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