[Pythonmac-SIG] My stab at a new page

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Thu Feb 9 21:04:14 CET 2006

On Feb 9, 2006, at 11:55 AM, Charles Hartman wrote:

> That's exactly the kind of fix that -- together with a handful of  
> others -- could make this make-over work.
> Incorporating the TigerPython24Fix and TigerPython23Compat patches  
> would be another small, huge step. Can the 2.4 installer look at  
> the system and decide which of these is needed?

TigerPython24Fix is irrelevant for the next build.

TigerPython23Compat only allows the system Python 2.3 to use packages  
targetted for the system Python 2.3 on Mac OS X 10.3.

> The third piece is a front-end script (part of the installer?? that  
> would be ideal) that checks the user's shell (bash, tcsh, etc) and,  
> perhaps after asking permission, adds the relevant thing to the path.

Yeah, this would likely be a post-install script in a sub-pkg that  
the user could disable using the "Customize" function.  It would  
happen by default.  It's somewhat difficult to present the user a  
forced choice during the installer, especially considering they might  
be doing it headless (e.g. with Apple Remote Desktop, or as a sub-pkg  
of some larger mpkg), with /usr/sbin/installer, etc.

> Charles
> Charles
> On Feb 9, 2006, at 2:41 PM, Bob Ippolito wrote:
>> On Feb 9, 2006, at 10:52 AM, Bill Janssen wrote:
>>>> "pythonw" invokes GUI applications, "python" invokes console
>>>> applications. When installing an extension, I don't type "pythonw
>>>> setup.py install."
>>> But you could.
>>> No, my conceptual problem is just that you shouldn't need that extra
>>> "w", and once you start explaining why it's there, there's no good
>>> place to stop.  You start bushwhacking into a thicket of MacPython
>>> complexity which scares people away.
>> If we recommend that the user installs a particular framework build
>> of Python, we could distribute it such that python and pythonw are
>> indistinguishable.  This issue then disappears.
>> -bob
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