[Pythonmac-SIG] Fat Python?

Kent Quirk kquirk at solidworks.com
Fri Oct 7 15:33:59 CEST 2005

We're trying to get our application ready for the forthcoming Intel Macs, and we'll need to have a fat binaries version of Python and support for it in py2app. 

We have successfully built an intel version of the Python.org version of Python 2.4 using gnu readline, but we haven't even tried to make fat binaries yet, nor do we have the full set of source changes found in Mac Python. Doing so would require quite a bit more autoconf-foo than we have at hand.

We've also been looking at macholib to see about making it (and by extension, py2app) aware of little-endian binaries. But that's going slowly.

Has anyone else tackled this yet? Are the Mac Python sources available?

Bob, have you done anything with this since the spring? Can you perhaps enlighten us with what you know regarding the task queue to pull this off?


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