[Pythonmac-SIG] (no subject)

Tom Elliott telliott at hsc.wvu.edu
Sat Nov 19 22:55:12 CET 2005

I have a working project using Apple's python 2.3 and the PyObjC  
bridge.  I would like to build a standalone application for my co- 
workers.  As I understand it, this requires using a different  
python.  So I installed python 2.4.1 using Bob Ippolito's installer.   
Since the PyObjC installer is set up for Apple's python, I built from  
source, following what I guess are old instructions

I used:
python setup.py bdist_mpkg --open
/usr/local/bin/python setup.py install 	(sym link to python2.4 sym  
link to binary)

I went back and did the latter, don't know if that screws things up.
I thought py2app was supposed to be there but it wasn't, python 2.4  
can't import py2app.

I finally got py2app as an installer from pythonmac.org/packages (for  

Now I get this error trying to build my program:

TE-G4-PB:~/PyGeneFinder.EC telliott$ sudo /usr/local/bin/python  
setup.py install

running install
running build
running install_data
error: mkpath: 'name' must be a string (got u'/Library/Frameworks/ 

What am I doing wrong?


Tom Elliott

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