[Pythonmac-SIG] py2app/macho_standalone problem

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Mon Nov 14 19:53:55 CET 2005

On Nov 14, 2005, at 10:44 AM, Kevin Walzer wrote:

> I'm having a problem with the macho_standalone component of py2app  
> (I'm
> trying to use it, as the documentation says I can, to create a
> standalone app bundle of a non-Python application). Here is the  
> output:
> What happens is that a few libraries get copied over to /Frameworks in
> my app bundle, then the process stops (there are lot of libraries  
> to copy).
> I'm not trying to create a universal binary, so I'm not sure what the
> error is. Is there a flag I can set so that it doesn't try to create a
> universal binary, i.e. macho_standalone Foo.app -arch ppc?

Try using the latest version from svn.  macholib doesn't create  
anything, it only makes small transforms to existing files, so there  
aren't any architecture options... but it does need to understand how  
to read and write universal binaries in order to make those  
transforms.  The version you're using doesn't understand them very well.


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