[Pythonmac-SIG] ANN: pygame 1.7.0 for Mac OS X 10.3

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Fri Mar 11 09:31:55 CET 2005

Although the official sdist tarball isn't cut yet, I've packaged what  
should be pygame 1.7.0 for Mac OS X 10.3 users.
It is available from pythonmac.org packages at:  

This installer ships with:

         Installed to /Library/Python2.3/

     pygame headers:
         Installed to  

     pygame examples and documentation:
         Installed to /Developer/Python/pygame/

     SDL with my AltiVec patches, SDL_mixer, SDL_ttf, SDL_image, smpeg:
         Installed to /Library/Frameworks/

To use pygame, you will need PyObjC 1.2 or later, and you will probably  
want Numeric and PyOpenGL installed.  A PyOpenGL installer is not  
available from pythonmac.org packages at this time, but everything else  
listed is.

The following improvements are especially relevant to Mac OS X:

- Calls into nasty private Apple API to grab GUI access if it doesn't  
already have it (read: no pythonw required)
- Can now read the default font and icon out of any "get_data"  
compliant loader (read: py2app 0.1.8 can put pygame entirely in the  
site-packages.zip, and it works!).
- Includes newer versions of all dependencies (it sure has been a long  
time since 1.6.0!)
- Most surface operations should be significantly faster on G4 and G5  
computers due to my AltiVec patches to SDL

As it has been quite a long time since the last release, there are  
pages full of bug fixes and feature enhancements.  When the pygame.org  
site updates for the 1.7 release, check WhatsNew.

Note that I will not be making a Mac OS X 10.2 compatible release for  
Python 2.3.  When Python 2.4.1 is out (and probably not until there is  
an official distribution of it), I may build a pygame release for that.


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