[Pythonmac-SIG] FBAs with bundlebuilder?

has hengist.podd at virgin.net
Tue Sep 14 00:11:16 CEST 2004

Ronald and Jacob,

Thanks for the speedy reply. I'll have something to show very 
shortly. For now you have to define your own MiniApplication subclass 
and use method calls to register callback functions as AE handlers:

	suite.command(callback, 'core', 'setd', 'set', "Set an object's data.",
		('----', 'direct', 'The object for the command.', 'obj '),
		('data', 'to', 'The new value.', '****')

which works fine, but treating this information as function metadata 
and using introspection to discover these functions automatically 
(c.f. unittest) certainly has some semantic appeal. But I'll need to 
experiment a bit more to be sure what works best (I swear at times 
like these I hear Lisp faintly chuckling...).

The AppleScriptable-FBA idea's come from work I'm doing on 
implementing Apple Event Object Model support for Python-based 
application developers, but that's a much larger, longer-term project 
and I think this is something that will stand well enough by itself, 
so main aim is to make it easy to use (declarative rather than 
imperative, hide event loops and Application classes and other stuff 
that ASers don't need to know about, trade flexibility for 
simplicity, etc). I figure we can target this primarily at ASers and 
worry about Python developer-oriented APIs in the full-blown aeom 

If anyone's any thoughts, please fire away. Also, if anyone fancies 
writing some functions for a working example, let me know; I'm off to 
sound out the AS community now and see what kinds of functionality 
they're currently desperately in need of.



p.s. Jacob - would be interested to see what you've written if you 
want to show us.

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