[Pythonmac-SIG] [FWD] OSABase

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Thu Jun 3 19:39:06 EDT 2004

On Jun 3, 2004, at 7:09 PM, has wrote:

> One for Jack, Bob, Donovan, Ronald, et-al (or anyone else really with 
> an interest in this stuff;)...
> Philip Aker - a hoopy frood who definitely knows where his towel is - 
> recently posted OSABase, a funky wrapper for bringing OSA goodness to 
> the many fine languages whose names do not currently begin in 'Apple' 
> and end in 'Script'. :)
> While I'm personally much to thick to really understand this stuff 
> myself, and suspect it may require a spot of negotiation vis-a-vis 
> licences to ensure pure plain sailing, I really think it worth one of 
> MacPython's Primary Brains at least investigating it to see if it's a 
> viable option for providing MacPython OSA support.

The license scenario looks bad.  You can't even download it without 
emailing him and saying "yes I comply with this license".  We'd 
probably be better off starting from scratch unless you can convince 
him to make his stuff open source under a PSF compatible license.

> Full OSA component support in MacPython 2.4 would be great to see - 
> especially if 2.4 will be finding its way into Tiger [do you know if 
> it will?]. Just imagine having every AppleScripter see MacPython's 
> name popping up in Script Editor's language menu - instant increase in 
> exposure and brandname awareness boost. It might also help guilt Apple 
> into brushing up their Cocoa framework's own OSA support if they 
> haven't already done so by then; give us decent attachability support 
> for stuff like Folder Actions, Mail rules, InDesign (publishing 
> workflow automation could be a great new market for MacPython once its 
> IAC support is up to snuff), and the rest - even nicer.
> Anyway, here's the link: 
> http://homepage.mac.com/philip_aker/osa/osa.html

There is approximately no chance whatsoever of OSA component support 
making it into Python 2.4.  The first alpha is almost out the door, and 
there isn't even a prototype or PEP that detains the whys and hows.  It 
would be great if we had it, but it won't be a standard feature until 
Python 2.5 at the earliest.

Not sure about Tiger and Python 2.4, I'm guessing they will probably 
take Python 2.3.x for the largest number x that is a stable Python at 
the time Tiger freezes.  Though, there is some chance that 2.4 will be 
ready soon enough for inclusion into Tiger.. so it could happen.

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