[Pythonmac-SIG] Finder Crash, after moving files....

has hengist.podd at virgin.net
Tue Jul 6 17:59:15 CEST 2004

Benjamin Schollnick wrote:

>my major issue is after XXXXXX number of copies, Python seems to
>kill the underlying OS.
>Maybe this is a memory leak from a Applescript "engine" issue

findertools hooks into the Apple Event Manager via aetools, so can't 
be anything related to AppleScript.

>My real request is to help isolate this, so that I can file a bug report
>with Apple...

Suggest you start by narrowing down your code to a simple test script 
that demonstrates the bug in isolation. Then see if you can replicate 
it using AppleScript and appscript. e.g. I'm unable to cause a 
crashing bug with either of the following on OS10.2.8 + MacPython 

from findertools import move
for _ in range(3000): # 6000 moves
     move('/Users/has/TEST/f1/foobar.py', '/Users/has/TEST/f2/')
     move('/Users/has/TEST/f2/foobar.py', '/Users/has/TEST/f1/')

tell application "Finder"
     repeat 3000 times -- 6000 moves
         move file "foobar.py" of alias "Macintosh 
HD:Users:has:TEST:f1:" to alias "Macintosh HD:Users:has:TEST:f2:"
         move file "foobar.py" of alias "Macintosh 
HD:Users:has:TEST:f2:" to alias "Macintosh HD:Users:has:TEST:f1:"
     end repeat
end tell

If one or both of these (with paths modified to suit) can trigger the 
crash on your machine, that'll be a start.



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