[Pythonmac-SIG] Building 4Suite on Panther (Mac OS X 10.3.x)

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Sat Jan 3 11:00:10 EST 2004

On Jan 3, 2004, at 10:51 AM, Paul Miller wrote:

>>> I couldn't find any -flat_namespace references in PackageManager.py. 
>>> I do have 1.0a3.
>> It's in Ft/Lib/DistExt/BuildExt.py not 
>> Ft/Lib/DistExt/PackageManager.py.. sorry, must not have been paying 
>> attention.
> Ah, thanks. Didn't seem to make a difference though.

Using -flat_namespace will make the runtime linking process slower and 
can make your runtime susceptible to a new class of unlikely (because 
people avoid using the same name for exported symbols in separate 
modules for other operating systems) but potential problems.  It's not 
going to make any obvious difference, but you shouldn't use it except 
in some cases where you need binary compatibility with MacOS X 10.1 (or 

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